Any sign or house having ashtakavarga points more than 28 will give beneficial results, other than this if the sign is having less than 28 points will not give good results. Sign or house having points b/w 25 &30 will be neutral in nature.
Planet placed in such a sign or house which have less ashtakavarga points will be strength less, even if it is in own sign, exalted, in quadrant or trine and in upachya house. This means that planet is not getting favor from other planets.
Planet placed in such a sign or house which have good ashtakavarga points will be good, even if it is debilitated or in 6th, 8th or 12th house.
If 9th, 10th, 11th and 1st houses all have more than 30 points than the native will live a prosperous life.
One will be a beggar if 9th, 10th, 11th and 1st houses have 21 or 22 or less points, also malefic is sitting in trine (trikona).
If moon is in close conjunction with sun with less points in that house, also Saturn have its aspect on moon, than the native will be in the influence of evil spirits.
If the total sums of the quadrant (Kendra) or trine (Trikona) is more than the sum of the left six houses than the native will be prosperous, knowledgeable, satisfied with his life and will do good deeds.
Planet placed in such a sign or house which have less ashtakavarga points will be strength less, even if it is in own sign, exalted, in quadrant or trine and in upachya house. This means that planet is not getting favor from other planets.
Planet placed in such a sign or house which have good ashtakavarga points will be good, even if it is debilitated or in 6th, 8th or 12th house.
If 9th, 10th, 11th and 1st houses all have more than 30 points than the native will live a prosperous life.
One will be a beggar if 9th, 10th, 11th and 1st houses have 21 or 22 or less points, also malefic is sitting in trine (trikona).
If moon is in close conjunction with sun with less points in that house, also Saturn have its aspect on moon, than the native will be in the influence of evil spirits.
If the total sums of the quadrant (Kendra) or trine (Trikona) is more than the sum of the left six houses than the native will be prosperous, knowledgeable, satisfied with his life and will do good deeds.