Other Kinds of Yogas
1. If the lord of the 7th joins Lagna with its lord and is aspected by Sukra.
2. If the lord of 7th occupies the 7th and joins the lord of Lagna and is aspected by
Guru and Chandra.
3. If the lord of 7th joins exaltation, and the lord of Lagna occupies Lagna.
4. If the lord of Lagna occupies deep exaltation and if the lord of 7th aspects 7th
and benefics occupy Kendras.
5. If the lord of 7th joins exaltation, in his own houses, Moolatrikonas and
auspicious Shadvargas.
In all these cases a combination arises called Saubhagya Yoga or a favourable,
lucky and long marital happy state. Saubhagya and Nirbhagya are opposite terms
used in the Sanskrit literature. The first means happy, fortunate and favourable
conditions in life, good married career, children and delightful existence.
Nirbhagya means, unlucky, poor, marriage miseries, unhealthy issues and
sorrowful surroundings. These are peculiar to womankind.
12.0 Sahacharya Yogas
1. If the lord of 7th occupies 6th or if the lords of 6th and 7th are combined in 12 or
if they are in one Navamsa or in one constellation.
2. If the lord of 7th joins Lagna, if the lord of 6th combines in 12 or 7, and have
mutual aspects, or, are combined in one Navamsa.
3. If the lord of 7th is Chandra and joins the last Navamsa and is aspected by the
lord of the 6th.
4. If the lord of 7th combines in 1, 4, 7, 10 or Kendras, and is found in the Navamsa
of the lord of 6th with its lord, and has the aspects of the lord of the 12th.
In all these four combinations, a special yoga called the Sahacharya arises and the
results are - the woman will be virtuous, modest,32
righteous in conduct, beloved by all people and commanding respect even from
Gods. A modest and virtuous woman is a precious gem and one who marries such
a woman or who is born to such a woman may reap the highest blessings. No gem
can adorn a man or woman, more than their love, morality and chastity. The
present combinations of planets are driving out such human beings, year after year
into the background.
Material civilisation accounts much for this state. Earn money by any means is the
12.1 Vydhavyayoga or Widowhood
For a respectable, loving, chaste and modest woman, nothing can be more dreadful
than the loss of her lawful lord, and this is specially held in great fear among the
higher caste Hindu women. For an adulterous, unsympathetic, immoral and
quarrelsome girl, nothing can give her greater pleasure than the death of her
husband at an early age. This event gives her greater liberty and licence for her
immoral behaviour and independent conduct and she will be only too glad to do
what she likes. Widowhood, therefore, is an event, which is looked at from various
mentalities. I give here the most formidable combinations for the widowhood. We
know there are some angelic and modest women who love their husbands more
than a Deity and we also know there are some who treat their husbands with the
greatest contempt. There are some dirty women, who conspire with their lovers,
and poison and kill their husbands. There are some godly women, who cannot
brook the idea of widowhood, and even kill themselves before their husbands.
Human Psychology is a great puzzle.
1. If the lords of 7 and 8 join and occupy the 8th, aspected by evil planets, there will
be widow hood.
2. If Rahu joins 7th, if the lord of 7th has con junction with Ravi and has the aspect
of the lord of the 8th, widowhood will befall.
3. If the lord of 7 combines with Sani, is aspected by Kuja, Chandra and Rahu are
in the 8th, there will be widowhood.
4. If Kuja is in 8th, in combination with the lord of 8th, and Lagna falls in an evil
Navamsa, widowhood Will befall on her.
5. If Rahu combines with Sani and Kuja and joins 7th or 8th house, early
widowhood is indicated.
6. If the lords of 7 and 8 join together and fall in the 12th, and the 7th has evil
aspect there will be widowhood very early in life.
7. If the lord of 7th is unfavourable and Kuja and Sani are in the 7th or 8th, she
becomes a widow very early in life.
In all such cases beneficial aspects relieve the rigours while malefics enhance the
8. If the 7th is betwixt two or more evil planets, as also its lord, without beneficial
aspects or conjunctions, widowhood is threatened.
9. If the lord of the Navamsa, bhava is in, or its lord is debilitated, eclipsed, in
combustion or between evil planets and unfavourable Shadvargas, she will become
a widow.
10. If a planet occupies a debilitated sign and it happens to be a cruel one, and if its
lord is in an inauspicious position without beneficial aspects or conjunctions, the
girl becomes a widow.
There are a variety of wonderful types of widows and a little explanation here will
not fail to be interesting to our masculine and feminine readers. Strijataka or
Female Horoscopy is an absorbingly interesting subject. Humanity cannot have
existence and continuance, if males and females, as at present created, do not mix
and reproduce their species. The productivity of mankind presents strange
contrasts. Peace and prosperity lead to luxury and sexual excesses. The latter
produce enervation. Enervation produces impotency and weak children. To
remove these undesirables, famines, plagues, pestilences, wars and other forms of
destructive agencies are let loose by Nature. Some marry for love, others for
money, yet others for titles and estates.
From a girl who becomes a widow on the day of marriage or soon after that
function to a woman, who lives a Sumangali life, all through her long life and
becomes a widow for a few minutes or a few hours, the gulf is very wide and the
states of life to which they will be subjected will be curious, romantic, interesting
and instructive. A poor girl marries a poor man and he dies and she lives to a long
term of widowhood. A girl marries on ordinary man, and lives with him for some
years agreeably, then she becomes a widow and may have to live on reduced
circumstances. A wicked girl marries an old but rich man and becomes a widow
after the marriage. She leads quite a comfortable and jolly life with a large estate
for her pleasurable expenses. A woman voluntarily becomes a widow by
despatching her legal lord to an early grave. Some do not like scandals.
Others take delight only in the midst of scandals. Some remain maidens, though
they are greatly dangerous to society. The proverb, old maids are most dangerous,
is well founded on facts. Sexual passions are imperious sensations and they seek
satisfaction under the most honourable as well as under the most dishonourable
conditions. Some lay down their lives for the sake of chastity and honour, while
others cut the throats of others for the sake of their bestial sexual gratifications.
The History of Prostitution written by the American Company of medical men,
from the earliest times, is a curious narration of how men and women have
behaved and what disgraceful excesses they have committed in the name of love
and sexual passions. Strict moral discipline and good early surroundings from the
earliest times of children will have some good effect on their subsequent conduct.
Platonic love is a mental hallucination that has no practical existence with many.34
Puberty and Menses
For a male, the Janma Lagna is sufficient for all purposes and there is no particular
time at which any event like puberty or menses in a woman, can happen to him.
Among the generality of womankind, they are considered fit for sexual enjoyments
only after they attain puberty. There are, of course, some wicked and crooked
girls, who resort to sexual indulgences even before they have menses, but these
cases arise more from morbid sexuality, than the real desires of physical
promptings. These are trained in the dens of iniquity, decoyed into evil habits by
dirty maids or old prostitutes and some of them are also spoiled early in life by the
constant evil company of unprincipled boys even before they attain the proper age
of majority.
For a woman, have to take into consideration three important Lagnas; viz., Janma
Lagna or the ascendant at birth, the Lagna for the first appearance of the menses
in her and Lagna or the sign in which she had the first sexual contact with the man,
be he her husband or lover or raper. All the astrological writers in Sanskrit have
attached the greatest importance to the appearance of the first Menses in a girl, so
much so that not only have they explained the influences of the constellations,
signs, planets, lunar and solar days, special occasions and aspearances of
phenomena, eclipses and omens, but they have also elaborately explained about
the direction the place, the cloth, the time, the number of drops of menstrual fluid
which has come out, and also about weekdays, Yogas, Karanas and other
peculiarities connected with the appearance of the first Menses.
One would be surprised to see such a vast elaborate literature about a natural
event like the menses in a girl, if they had not by their Divya Drishti or Divine
Vision seen the subtle influences of all these on the future destinies of herself, her
husband, her children and all that pertains to her career and prospects in life. This
one point should effectually seal the mouths of all those ill-informed and
superficially read critics that the noble science of Astrology had never been
borrowed from any foreign nation, that all these ideas explained here are
completely indigenous and that 4 lacs of Sutras sprang up from the comprehensive
brains of the Maharshis and that India, as a whole, had never the misfortune to
borrow her scientific ideas and researches from the surrounding nations who have
always been in a hopeless condition of intellectual poverty; but who were ever
greedy to borrow from, but never had the means to lend to the Indian scholars.
Have they any references to such events in their astrological publications? Have
they suggested any remedies for averting, softening or modifying the planetary
influences indicating the evil results from the past births? Can their hillocks be
compared to the grand Himalayan ranges? Can any other river in the world claim 35
rivalry with the purities of the Ganges floods? So many details and with surprising
minuteness about the appearance of the first Menses have been given. That I
would earnestly request the readers to pay particular attention to them and apply
them all practically to the time given for the menses, so that they may be able to
draw proper inferences and make correct future predictions about the girl and all
her prospects in life. I challenge, if any astrological publications in England,
Continental countries or America have given any references to these details or
even to this subject of the appearance of the first. menses. If only we are willing to
collect all the stanzas bearing on this particular subject of menses, they will at least
come up to 13,000 verses. The dabbling and shallow brained critics cannot commit
a more grotesque blunder than to say that the great grandfather of a child is the
offspring of that infant. Sane men take a hearty laugh over these idiosyncrasies and
let these egotists to dance in their own hallucinations. I shall now come to the
subject proper. Puberty or Menses is a physical change in the constitution of a girl,
where a reddish fluid called shonitha is suddenly expelled from the sexual organ,
and changing the whole of her future life according as it appears on an auspicious
or inauspicious time. The details are very interesting and instructive and throw a
flood of light on the subtle influences, which mark that event and which have such
a direct influence on the future destiny of the girl.
Puberty in Sanskrit is called Ruthu or phenomenon which will have regular
monthly appearances. When Chandra is not in upachayas, viz., 3, 6, 10 and 11 and
when the Lagna is powerfully aspected by Kuja the appearance of first Menses
should be predicted. Such combinations may occur when the girl is young, when is
old, when she suffers from various diseases which cause irregular menses or stop
them altogether. But there are special combinations with which menses app ear
and also disappear. I shall not expand on this subject, any further here. It will be
explained in its proper place (see my notes on Brihat Jataka).
13.1 Effects of Tithies or Lunar Days
If the first Menses occurs on.
1. Padyami - Issueless.
2. Dviteeya - Little happiness.
3. Thriteeya - All wealth and prosperity.
4. Chaturthi - Sinful and wicked.
5. Panchami - Sons and daughters, happiness and , good enjoyment.
6. Shashti - Unpleasant words and cruel mind.
7. Saptami - Riches, cattle, ornaments, happiness.
8. Ashtami - Bold and reckless.
9. Navami - Troubled by sorrows and anxieties.
10. Dasami - Happy and a leader.
11. Ekadasi - Pure and clean.
12. Dwadasi - Fond of spreading scandals about others.
13. Trayodasi - Joyful and happy.
14. Chaturdasi - Fond of sinful acts.36
15. Poornima - Well-developed and strong body.
30. Amavasya - Poor enjoyment, little comforts.
13.2 Inauspicious times for the appearance of the First Menses
1. Amavasya or the New-Moon day.
2. Rikta Tithies.
3. The 1st, 6th, 8th and 12th lunar days in both halves of the lunar months.
4. The first half of the Parigha yoga.
5. Vyathipatha and Vyadhriti.
6. The two twilights.
All these considered to be unfavourable for the appearance of the first Menses in a
13.3 Results of Weekdays
Sunday - She will suffer from many diseases.
Monday - Virtuous and good.
Tuesday - Suffering from sorrows.
Wednesday - Good married life and enjoyment.
Thursday - Virtuous and polite.
Friday - Obedient and loving life.
Saturday - Vicious and bad-tempered.
13.4 Auspicious Constellations
Hasta, Chitta, Swati, Visakha, Anooradha, Uttara , Uttarashadha, Uttarabhadra,
Sravana, Moola, Revati, Dhanishta, Satabhisha, Aswini, Pushyami, Rohini and
Mrigasira. These 17 stars are considered good for the appearance of the first
13.5 Evil Constellations
Pubba, Poorvashadha, Poorvabhadra, Bharani, Aslesha. If the first Menses
appears in these stars the girl should not chew betel leaves, should have no oil
baths, wear no flowers, use no yellow or red powders, Haridra and Kunkuma, and
should not see the face of the husband for the special periods mentioned for each
of those stars.
Proper remedies ordained by Sastras to avert these evil influences should at once
be adopted in interest of the girl's future.
If she attains age in Aridra and Makha she becomes sorrowful. She becomes
adulterous, it she attains puberty in Punarvasu and Jyeshta. If the girl attains
puberty in Bharani, 10 months; if in Krittika, Aslesha and Jyeshta, 4 months; if in
Pubba, Poorvashadha, Poorvabhadra, 8 months; if in Aridra, 6 months; if in
Makha, 12 months; and if in Punarvasu, 5 months should be allowed to pass before 37
nuptials could be celebrated and she must not see during these months the face of
her husband and should avoid using leaves, flowers and other luxuries.
13.5 Remarks for Serious Reflection
The safety of human society entirely depends upon the sexual purity, the times of
enjoyment, and the health of the parties concerned. Among many of the animals,
there are instinctive impulses in masculine and feminine creatures which restrict
the sexual enjoyments and they preserve good health, because they have a gift of
nature, the great and unerring instinct which guides the animals in all these
operations. Nature is not partial to them. As a compensative gift to mankind,
nature has been graciously pleased to implant in man a wonderful power, the great
intelligence and for its protection, reasoning powers and practical knowledge.
Great as man is, with his intellectual powers and lofty comprehension, he often
degrades and debases himself, lower than the lowest of brutes. The colossal and
appallin venereal complaints prevailing in the most enlightened and civilised
centres are unmistakable monuments, showing the amount of moral filth which
surrounds the lofty intellects of human beings and drags them to the level of brutes
and sometimes even to lower levels than brutes in their social and sexual
transactions. Their horrible sexual ideas can have no comparison or parallels in the
animal world, whom man has the barefaced audacity to call as senseless beasts.
There is no question that the animals are far below the mark of intelligence, which
humanity possesses to its credit when properly directed.
But abuse of intelligence is his motto and excessive and untimely sexual
indulgences are his beneful practices. Astrology shows his weakness in these
matters and warns him to be careful in his sexual fransactions. In the flush of
passions he forgets his intelligence and reason, rushes on the mad career of sexual
excesses, falls into the folds of hopeless diseases, racks his brain to discover and
invent remedies to remove these complaints, suffers all excruciating pains from his
own body, grows degenerate in health and mind, produces unhealthy and syphilic
issues and corrupts society in so many ways that an enumeration of all the evil
effects of these sexual irregularities is not possible in such short treatises. None of
the other departments of knowledge can help humanity in the selection of
marriage couples, how the couple should. cohabit, and when and what should be
their future conduct in the way of these sexual matters on which depend the whole
prosperity of the nation, the strength of the armies, the vitality of all industries,
and the progress and health of the future generations.
A girl attains her age. The husband or some other man enjoys her sexually. There
will be discharges of electrical, ethereal and other subtle forces, and when they are 38
bad and unfavourable, the result will be death, danger, sorrows or diseases. Go to
an electric generating and distributing station. Suppose the off officers concerned
had not put the warning notices on different knobs or other machinery, which are
dangerous and a touch of which will kill a person at once, or send him to nervous
prostration. The man goes in utter ignorance of the dangerous effects of the
electric power and touches any one of these dangerous instruments. What would
be the result? He may die straight, or may be afflicted with some nervous
destruction which would incapacitate him for future work and enjoyment of
normal health. Will he not be ruined by his rash act, touching a knob although
done in the most innocent mood? The nut may have a very fine external
Man is a bundle of Electrical energy and other various subtle agencies. Some of
them are very deadly in their effects, so much so that as a breath of some
poisonous gases will kill a human being instantly so also will these unfavourable
electric and ethereal currents cause destruction to the parties concerned. I will give
an illustration which proved quite correct. A rich gentleman in Madras wanted me
to see the marital agreement of his son with the daughter of his wife's brother. The
female horoscope stood thus. The girl was 12 years and the boy about 20 years in
the B.A. class possessing a fine specimen of developed athletic body. I warned
both the parents not to have the marriage. They neglected my advice and through
the influence of the boy's mother, the betrothal was celebrated. Then came the
nuptial day and it passed off well. From that night,
2 - Kuja, Ketu
3 - Sani
7 - sukra, Ravi, Budha
8 - Lagna, Rahu
9 - Chandra
10 - Guru
the boy went on losing blood and in a month he was on his death-bed. He
expressed his great anxiety to see me and I saw him. When I questioned him he
frankly told me that he had only two connections on that fatal night, felt a sort of
electric shock through his organ, and fell sick. The case was hopeless and the poor
boy was sacrificed for relational and financial considerations. The girl is now a
The human body is a strange and mysterious combination of various forces or
energies, some of which are demonstrable and others are invisible, but all the same
real. How do the temperaments change for good or bad? After some years of love
and friendship people begin to quarrel and even try to kill each other. Sometimes
the electric, magnetic and ethereal currents suddenly change from causes, some of
which are known and many of which lie concealed behind the mysterious folds of
nature. If the first appearance of menses changes the whole course of a girl's
career, then all the causes, which produced that result, will have to be examined, 39
their influences must be ascertained, their intensities should be properly gauged
and all reasonable attempts should be made to remove them, and secure
happiness. Therefore, this chapter of a girl's history should receive the best
attention of all sensible men and women and no amount of time and labour spent
upon an examination of these details should be considered as wasted. The labour
involved in the examination of these details should be considered as the most
beneficial which a man could render to the service of humanity in the upliftment of
mankind, in their health and prosperity.
13.6 Results of Months
1. Chaitra - Widowhood.
2. Vaisakha - Blessed with wealth, children and good character,
3. Jyeshta - Suffering from diseases.
4. Ashadha - Abortion and dead children.
5. Sravana - Wealth and enjoyment.
6. Bhadrapada - Bad sexual organ.
7. Asweeja - Devotion and religious.
8. Karteeka - Short life.
9. Margasira - Many children.
10. Pushya - Immoral.
11. Magha - Children, happiness, agreeable.
12. Phalguna - Virtuous and faithful.
Pakshaphala, or the Results of the two Halves of Lunar Months Bright half -
Wealth, cleanliness, joyful and good enjoyments. Dark half - Bodily disease, fond
of sexual pleasures, talking ill of others, irreligious.
13.7 Special Influences of Constellations
1. Aswini - Wealth, happy, good issues, fond of enjoyment, steady, leader among
the community, respectful.
2. Bharani - Immoral, causing abortions, dependent on others, barren by excessive
3. Krittika - Quarrelsome, adulterous, barren, causing abortions, dependent, dead
4. Rohini - Good conduct, nine children, respect able, loving husband, woman of
principles, worshipping Gods.
5. Mrigasira - Agreeable conduct, love for charitable deeds, patient and enduring
fatigue, virtuous, fond of husband, blessed with good children.
6. Aridra - Immoral, bad sexual organ, miserable, dead children, unsympathetic,
evil temper, lazy, bad, irreligious,
7. Punarvasu - Faithful to husband, many issues, delight from possessing good
children, religious.
8. Pushyami - Love to husband, good issues, many kinds of enjoyments, agreeable, 40
attractive, clever, charitable
9. Aslesha - Fond of other persons, servile, irritable, unsympathetic, disagreeable,
liar, un desirable issues.
10. Makha - Generous and noble, sickly, fond of music, attraction to paternal
home, respectful.
11. Pubba - Fond of embraces from others, humble, bad conduct, sorrowful, dirty,
cruel-hearted, revengeful.
12. Uttara - Many children, fond of meritorious deeds, beloved by all without any
hateful feelings, respected by friends, virtuous, fond of maternal home.
13. Hasta - Loving, good enjoyments, children, agreeable life, highly respected,
liberal, charitable.
14. Chitta - Skilful in arts and works, enjoyment in life, clever in mercantile
transactions, very passionate, polite manners, smooth behaviour.
15. Swati - Rich, healthy, skilled in arts and mechanics, children and grandchildren,
virtuous and faithful.
16. Visakha - Fond of low deeds, bad temper, addicted to drinks, agreeable to
many, issueless, dirty habits, angry.
17. Anooradha - Respected by the relations of the husband, adorned by excellent
personal character, fair and loving children, healthy sexual organ, attractive and
18. Jyeshta - Fond of sinful acts, sorrowful, quarrel some, immoral, cruel-hearted,
troublesome and bad children.
19. Moola - Wealth, children, good character, helpful to others in their sorrows,
keeping up to principles of her own religion.
20. Poorvashadha - Secret sinful acts, bad children, fond of torturing others,
sorrowful and melancholy.
21. Uttarashadha - Discerning and tactful, fond of charities, righteous conduct,
wealthy and happy.
22. Sravana - Children and grandchildren, wealth and landed properties, virtuous,
enjoying delights according to times, respected and honoured.
23. Dhanishta - Wealth and lands, good enjoyable life, surrounded by children and
grand children, virtuous, keeping to religious tenets.
24. Satabhisha - Many issues, wealth, religious, enjoying pleasures according to
times, honoured by people and relations.
25. Poorvabhadra - Imprisonment, hated by relations, always fond of evil deeds,
skilful in miscellaneous work.
26. Uttarabhadra - Commanding general respect, blessed with children, dignified,
affable, fond of husband, respected by relations, charitable disposition.
27. Revati - Determination, doing charities, blessed with children and riches,
happy, religious faith.
I have named the general results produced by the constellations, when the first
Menses appears and when it rules on the day and at the time. Great caution and
discretion should be used in the delineation of characteristics. Take some
examples. Aswini rules at the time of Sani there in that star, Sani is debilitated in 41
Mesha and when he occupies the star, he produces evils, and his conjunction with
Chandra becomes malicious, producing sorrow, worries, immorality and social
scandals. Take Ravi there. Ravi produces altogether different results. The
influences of the star and the planet are mutual and undergo changes
consequently. Ravi is exalted in Mesha and with Chandra the chemical changes in
the body and the mind of the girl will be different from what they would be when
Moon joins with Sani in debilitation.
Therefore, the student must be very careful in predicting the results. Take a
traveller in a forest road. The time, the fatigue, the health of the person, his powers
of endurance, the distance he has travelled, the state of the scenery all round and
all along the atmospherical conditions, his dullness or intelligence to the aesthetic
impressions and the fullness or emptiness of his stomach, the pleasurable or the
painful mission he has before him and other surroundings have to be taken into
account, before we can say how he feels and how he works. Similarly with
reference to planets, houses, stars, aspects, conjunctions, yogas, karanas, lunar and
solar days, weekdays and so many other forms of visible and invisible agencies, in
these combinations must be considered.
Astrology is meant for the whole world in all its complicated phenomena and
therefore, as it comprehends all the phenomena in nature, the intellect that is
engaged in its pursuit, must be very comprehensive, keen, piercing capacious
enough to hold all its complicated principles and possess an excellent analysing
and logical judgement which will be able to weigh the conflicting evidence, and
draw correct inferences which would forecast the future in all its details, with
accuracy and to the points. The ladies who read this book must study the
principles, get good practice and see how beautifully they tally with their
innermost promptings of body, mind and spirit. Some of their secret sins may so
well be concealed that they may never see the light of the day in the ordinary
course. They may deceive others in the world by their cautious and careful
behaviour, but they can never deceive their consciences which reflect all their
virtues and vices as in a clear mirror. Thus they will have a certain index to their
true character by the application of the astrological principles and they will see
how wonderfully they tally with facts. I have already mentioned in the above paras
about some of the inauspicious times. Now I will give them in full, collecting the
information from eminent works like Kalamrita, Narada Samhita, Jyotir
Nibandha, Jyotisha Ratnamala, Muhurtha-Marthanda, Muhurtha-Darpana and
other authoritative works on the subject.
13.8 Inauspicious Times for the First Appearance of Menses in a Girl
1. Sunrise and Sunset twilights.
2. Times of eclipses.
3. Full-moon and New-moon days.
4. The 8th and 14th days of the dark-half of the lunar month.42
5. Sankramanas or solar entries into the 12 zodiacal signs.
6. Vyatipatha, Vyaghata and Parigha yoga.
7. 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 12th and 14th of lunar days.
8. Bhadrava Karana.
9. Thyajyas or rejected times.
10. Avamsa or Tridinasprik or the weekday in which three lunar days combine or
11. Thridyasprik or the lunar day in which three weekdays combine.
12. Evil constellations like Bharani, Krittika, Aridra, Aslesha, Jyeshta, etc.
13. When the Sun moves in the evil stars.
14. The time when the Moon stands in the 8th house from the Janma Rasi of her
15. When the Nidhana Tara rules.
16. When Vajra, Vishkambha, Vyaghata, Shoola and Atigandas prevail.
17. During night and Vydhruti.
18. In constellations which are occupied by the evil planets, viz., Ravi, Kuja, Sani,
Rahu and Ketu.
19. When the evil planets are found in the 7th house from her Lagna.
20. When abnormal phenomena happen such as comets, meteors, solar spots,
changes in the Sun's rays.
21. When the family is plunged into death pollution and sorrows.
22. During the death times of parents, brothers, sisters and closer relations.
23. When the people are vacating their homes for plague, famines and other
24. When fires break out in the house or in the neighbourhood.
25. When halos round the Sun and the Moon are seen.
13.8 Results of Yogas
1. If the first Menses appear in Vishkambha - Disease in sexual organs.
2. Ganda - Barrenness.
3. Shoola - Adultery and issueless.
4. Vyaghata - Committing suicide.
5. Vijra - Free movements in immorality, unchecked license.
6. Patha - Will kill her husband, children will die and she will be issueless.
7. Vydhruti - Will kill her husband.
The rest of the yogas are favourable as per their names. For an explanation of
Yogas and Karanas, see my work Shukla and Pramoduta.
13.9 Results of Karanas
1. Bhava - Issueless or a widow.43
2. Balava - Will have children.
3. Koulava - Passionate and joyful.
4. Thythula - Good temperament.
5. Garaja - Loss of children.
6. Vanik - Similar result.
7. Bhadra - Barren. Loss of children is certainly different from barrenness.
8. Sakuni - widowhood.
9. Chatushpath - Widowhood.
10. Naga - Fond of sexual operations.
11. Kimsthughna - Widowhood.
13.10.0 Influences of Time.
1. Morning - Happy and prosperous.
2. Before noon - Visiting sacred shrines and holy rivers.
3. Midday or noon - Children, wealth.
4. Afternoon - Adulterous.
5. Evening - Many husbands and lords.
6. Twilight in the evening and morning - A dancing woman, prostitute.
7. Before midnight - Long life.
8. Midnight - Widowhood.
9. Towards the close of night - Unfortunate.
10. If the girl attains puberty between these periods named above she will be
unfortunate and poor.
13.11.0 Results of the Zodiacal Signs
When the girl attains her age, it must fall in some Lagna or sign. The results will be
foretold here:
1. Mesha - Adulterous.
2. Vrishabha - Happy and prosperous.
3. Mithuna - Children.
4. Kataka - Very adulterous.
5. Simha - Good and happy children.
6. Kanya - Fortunate and wealth.
7. Thula - Happy and prosperous.
8. Vrischika - Immoral.
9. Dhanus - First half adulterous, second half virtuous.
10. Makara - Shameless and immodest.
11. Kumbha - Wealthy, happy and lands
12. Meena - Many children.
In all these cases the same precautions have to be noted. A girl attains age when
Mesha rises as Lagna. Suppose Sani and Kuja are there, she will become a _ 44
regular prostitute. The planets by their conjunction in Mesha have added their evil
influences to the evils of Mesha and will make the girl a terrible whore. Suppose
there is Full-Moon and Jupiter unaspected or uncombined by evil planets, they
soften the influence of the sign Mesha and though the girl will have an inclination
to commit adultery, she will do not so for various considerations and reasons.
Therefore in predicting the influences of Rasis the influences of planets should
also be taken into careful consideration. Kataka makes her immoral, Kuja adds
greater facilities for the sinful work. Guru there averts the evil.
13.12.0 The Influence of Places on the Appearance of the First Menses
If the time of puberty falls in Mesha, Simha or Kanya, the menses appeared
outside the town; in Vrishabha in Places where cattle are kept or in cattlesheds; in
Dhanus in the house; in Thula in the same village or in another house; in Meena;
Kumbha, Makara or Kataka, near watery surfaces such as tanks, rivers, ponds,
lakes; in Mithuna when the girl was naked; and in Vrischika the girl attains her age
in the midst of the forest or wilderness or in grooves of trees. The question time of
menses may also be taken into consideration and all these details can also be
correctly predicted by the astrologer.
Menses; as a compound, is composed of so many physical and mental
characteristics, that all the causes which produced that compound will have their
individual influences and effects, and an analysis of all these becomes necessary to
find out what results may be reaped from it as a whole and from the individual
causes. All these are chemical in nature and astrology is a huge chemistry. As in
other departments of knowledge differences of opinion on some facts are often
found in astrology. How they have arisen are matters on which we as Alpatmas or
with narrowed vision, are not in a position to explain. Whether the Maharshis
found out the planetary influences by deductive methods, or by long and laborious
observations or by developing their intellectual powers and mental vision by the
practice of severe yoga, are points on which we can only make guesses but we
cannot say definitely that they have done so and so.
They say that the Sun in 10th house is good, Jupiter in the 2nd gives wealth, that
Saturn in the 1st produces nervous complaints, that Ketu in the 2nd produces short
temper, that Mercury in the 5th gives high order of intelligence, that Venus in the
7th causes great sexual passions and so forth. How did they know it and what
reasons or knowledge enabled them to say so? These are difficult questions to
answer. From the most perfect astronomical instruments we have now, not one
scientist is able to say why wheat has been ascribed to the Sun, rice to the Moon,
dall to Mars, Bengal-gram to Jupiter and so forth. Are they able to say why these
different planets govern the different organs of the body, different temperaments, 45
different professions, different branches of arts and sciences, etc.
I make a challenge to them and they must ignobly say that they cannot give me a
proper answer or they must seek shelter under their usual mean and shameless,
bulwark of calling all these productions arising from superstition and ignorance.
They will not have the nobility to say that they have not studied this branch of
knowledge and that they are therefore unable to speak on a subject in which they
are utterly ignorant. Can superstition and ignorance produce a huge literature of 4
lacs of sutras or 16 lacs of stanzas, and go into the minute details of human
conduct, characteristics and its future and past experiences. If they can do so, then
those superstitions and ignorances must indeed be very grand and colossal in
themselves. Why talk nonsense, when you are yourself, ignorant, and prejudiced?
It is indeed a grand phenomenon which changes the whole nature and career of
the girl.
Whatever may be the subtle causes which produce the phenomenon of Menses; the
event shows great physical and mental changes. The spiritual changes are natural
consequences of mental alterations. The minuteness with which they have gone
into the details of the appearance of the first Menses in a girl are indeed very
surprising. The must either be prodigal fictions of great brains or facts which have
been carefully ascertained by their expanded and Divine Vision. I leave the
readers to draw their own inferences on the facts I have adduced and the
arguments I have given. A handful of experience is worth ten cart-loads of
theories. The modern scientists are quite unfit to pronounce opinions on subjects
in which they are ignorant.
Results to be Predicted from the Directions of the Questioner
If the man questions the astrologer and stands to his East, the girl will have 7
children, three drops of menstrual fluid and she has worn an old cloth at the time
of first Menses. If he is in South-East, predict that the girl will have one issue,
seven drops of menstrual fluid, and the cloth she wore was black or blue. If the
questioner is in the South, 8 children, four drops of menstrual fluid and red cloth
should be predicted. If he stands in South-West, 4 children, two drops of menstrual
fluid and white cloth should be predicted. If in the West predict 6 issues, four drops
and dirty cloth. If in the North-West predict 2 children, three drops and rosecolored cloth. If in the North, predict 9 children, one drop and varied coloured
cloth. If in the North-East say she will have 10 children, one drop and cloth
prepared from fibres or silk. If a girl attains her age in the constellations Moola,
Sravana or Dhanishta, she will have five issues. If she gets menses in Mrigasira,
Uttara, Uttarashadha, Uttarabhadra, Chitta, Hasta and Satabhisha, she will bear
10 children. If she attains puberty in Visakha Swati, Anooradha or Aswini, she will 46
have 8 children. If she has menses in Rohini predict 7 children and in Revati 9
14.1 Remedies for Evils
Give rice for weekday evid, ghee for Nakshatra or constellation, fruits for yogas
and cloth for Karanas. These should be given by the girl to holy men, after she
bathes on the fourth day of the menses, with religious faith and accompanied by
the Sastraic Mantras and suitable cash presents. When she follows this procedure
the evil indicated by the above planetary influences will be greatly minimised.
Some of the principal remedies mentioned here are for ready reference. These
must be selected according to the local customs and those ordained by the Vedic
persons and astrological experts in those places and suitable to the religion
professed by the girl, her husband and her parents. Remedies are Pujas to
Vighneswara, unyahavachana, Rudrabhisheka, Navagraharadhana, Homas to
suitable Deities, Nakshatrasanti, visiting holy shrines and baths in sacred rivers;
ponds and lakes, Surya Namaskaras, feeding of holy Brahmins and services to
family Deities.
The girl or her husband should not see each other till the periods mentioned for
the evil stars in it are over. Then when she gets again menses in an auspicious star,
she and he may look each other. If by chance or accident they look each other
before the time, remedial measures should be undertaken immediately for their
future welfare and prosperity. If they do not do so, then they will suffer, for their
negligence. The commentators and other writers on this subject observe thus. If a
poisonous cobra bites a person, sensible men should take immediate measures by
Mantras and Medicines to give him relief and save his precious life. If not the
poison works its own mischief. Similarly when a girl has her first Menses appearing
in evil times, those concerned in her welfare should at once take suitable remedies,
before the poison of the evil influences takes root and kills her, her husband or
both. The danger here is double.
This is more dangerous than the bites of the most poisonous reptiles. Here the
person bitten, if neglected,; will die himself, or herself, but in the cases of girls
discharging their menstrual fluids, and through them subtle electric and ethereal
currents, the dangers will spread over a larger area and if the stars, signs, Yogas,
Karanas and planets are all bad, then the girl brings ruin and destruction not only
on herself but also on her husband, her children and even on her parents and
parents-in-law. Such cases are unfortunately large and people should not allow
such poisons to work ruin unchecked by them. In certain constellations, particular
number of months are prohibited for sexual union and nuptials. I say the
temperature of an iron ball is 200 degrees centigrade. Will I be superstitious or
wrong when I tell a man, as having the correct knowledge of the heat of the iron
ball, not to touch it for some time till the heat subsides and does not prove 47
dangerous? Not only the sexual organs, but the whole body of a human being, go
on sending continuously electric, magnetic, ethereal and other subtle forms of
sparks or energies.
By a careful knowledge of these various forces, working for and against a person's
interest Maharishis have laid down a large number of rules by a careful observance
of which he will be able to conserve his energy, overcome the obstacles and make
sure of success in his undertakings. The conservation of the right kind of physical,
mental and spiritual energies and forces is at the bottom of all Hindu Sastras, and
the terrestrial, celestial and electrical and other forces should not be dissipated to
the great prejudice of the persons concerned in any acts. Please examine all our
Sastras, rituals, and methods prescribed and sanctioned by the Vedas and then say,
after due performances and experiences; whether they are senseless or you are
stupid, not to understand and analyse them.
Ill-founded opinions are highly prejudicial and lead to dangerous results. I have
offered remarks which should set every man a right thinking. The minuteness into
which the Maharishis have descended and described, as if they have all the causes
and results before their mental vision, speak wonderfully for their comprehensive
powers, and show clearly that they were not drawing on their imaginations but
were describing the actualities enacted before their eyes. Can a huge literature of
four hundred thousand sutras spring upon the basis of clear falsehood? Can the
greatest Intellects in the world be guilty of propagating such vast literature when
they were not satisfied about their truth? This is not a theoretical philosophy, to be
indulged in wild mental excesses or simple flights of imagination. A girl, who
attains her age in Mesha, in Bharani, and with Sani there, must prove a terrible
whore, and it will be so. This is a practical and demonstrable science. Take a
woman with Kuja and Sani in Lagna without beneficial aspects and see if ever she
remains virtuous. Her passions are excitable and she will yield to them. All
evidence is either simple or complicated. In simple matters, the facts are easily
grasped or demonstrated, but in complicated cases, where the evidence is
confusing and confounded, even the best judges find it difficult to probe into truth.
Contradictions confuse them.
Human nature is so varied in temperaments that no safe inferences can be drawn
from the same premises. A kills B. The causes for this may be many. There is
always a tug-of-war between knowledge and ignorance, between prejudice and
truth, and between pride and faith. A knows about a fact. B does not know it.
Where is the common ground for them to meet? One has seen a phenomenon, the
other has not. What is the authority of the latter to deny about an event which the
former has seen and known? Exceptions to natural laws or admitted. When and
how they come, are not known. Judgements are not uniform or sound. The best
judges are often faulty. Therefore, it would be silly on the part of the so-called
scientists to deny truths in a science in which they have not even the elementary
knowledge. It may be argued that some of the statements made in the Indian
Sciences are found in India, and not in many European or other Asiatic countries,
and that the Science of Astrology cannot be called a science, since it cannot be
applied to the whole world. They cannot commit a greater blunder than holding 48
such crooked views.
All the details about the girls attaining puberty are applicable to the whole world,
and not to any particular sections of communities or countries. In India, as well as
in Europe, there are very large number of girls who remain unmarried till about 16
to 30 years, and some in Europe and America remain as old maids and are
generally dangerous to society, as they are not only corrupt in themselves but draw
towards them a large number of innocent girls and spoil them in various ways. But
provision is made for all these cases in the Astrological works, whose sutras have
only to be read carefully to find out the principles to apply to such cases. As
regards religious remedies mentioned in them, they may be so adjusted as to suit
the local conditions and customs prevalent there. Prayers, though different in
different religious systems, have the same aim or goal like medicines prescribed. in
different countries vary in effecting cures for the same diseases or same classes of
14.2 Results of Clothes on First Menses
White clothing - Will be happy and healthy.
Strong cloth - Virtuous.
Silk and fibre - Will become a queen or fortunate lady.
New cloth - Happy and polite.
Torn cloth - Poverty and unhappiness.
Red cloth - Disease.
Black cloth - Widowhood.
Dirty cloth - Poverty and sorrow.
14.3 Results of the number of Drops of Menstrual Fluid
One drop - Gives wealth.
Two drops - Good enjoyment in life.
Three drops - Disease.
Many drops-Poverty and sorrows.
14.4 Results of Planets in the Constellations at First Menses
1. If Kuja joins the constellation, she will have dead children.
2. If Budha and Sukra combine in the star, she becomes childless or barren.
3. If Guru joins the star, she becomes pious and religious.
4. If Ravi joins, loss of husband.
5. If Rahu joins, she becomes adulterous.
6. If Sani combines, she becomes a servant.
7. If there are no planets, she will have long and happy married life.49
If at the time of first Menses, Chandra, Budha, Guru and Sukra are found in
Kendras (1-4-7-10); Trikonas (5-9), and 2nd house, she will have wealth, happiness,
enjoyment and prosperity. If evil planets are located in 3 - 6 -11, they produce the
same happy results as above described. If Chandra occupies the 8th, there will be
danger to husband. If Ravi joins 7th, widowhood happens, if Chandra joins 7, she
will have wealth and children, if Kuja is found in 7, she becomes adulterous, if
Budha is there, she gets barren, if Guru is found there, she becomes poor, if Sukra
is there, she will have foreign travels, if Sani is in 7th, she will suffer from diseases,
if Rahu is there, she becomes adulterous and Ketu in 7 denotes hatred of relations
and friends.
14.5 Purifications after Menses
On the first day, the impurity will be intense and she is compared to a Chandala,
on the second day, she will have the pollution of injuring a holy Brahmin, on the
third day she will be compared to a washer-woman and on the 4th day she will be
compared to a Sudra woman. Sristam Guna Karma Vibhagasa. Meaning, I have
created four castes - Brahma, Kshatriya, Vysya and Sudra, according to their gunas
- Satwika, Rajasa and Tamasa and Karma - the work they do. The above
injunction in the menses refers to the girls of the highest castes. But among the
lower orders, 3 days are observed and they hardly do any domestic work or touch
any sacred objects. After she bathes on the 4th day, she will not be permitted to
touch any holy objects nor can she prepare and serve meals. But she can and must
have sexual union with her husband if the flow has ceased. On 5th day, she should
take a clean bath and can attend to all domestic work and also touch the holy
objects. If she gets menses again within 18 days of the first appearances of menses,
she has simply to take a bath and get into the house as usual. If she gets menses on
the 19th day; she must remain one day in pollution. After 20 days she will and must
be in pollution for 3 days as usual.
Results of Planetary Positions at the Time of Menses
From the Lagna or the sign at which the first Menses appear in the girl:
15.1 Ravi
If Ravi joins the Menses Lagna the results will be: Complaints from excessive heat, 50
bad conduct, leanness in body, ungrateful, fond of taking food in others` houses,
repulsive or faded bodily appearance.
Ravi in 2 - Poverty and want, harsh speech, weakness, quarrelsome.
Ravi in 3 - Always happy, handsome body, good health, high intelligence.
Ravi. in 4 - Unhappiness, diseased body, disagreeable appearance, hated by
relations and the husband.
Ravi in 5 - Few issues, faithful to parents, agreeable speech, piercing intellect,
Ravi in 6 - Conquest over enemies, learned, wealthy, righteous conduct.
Ravi in 7 - Rejected by husband, unhappy, fear, ugly.
Ravi in 8 - Poverty sorrows, suffering from blood complaints, unpleasant flow of
menstrual fluid.
Ravi in 9 - Many diseases, quarrelsome, creating feuds, great courage
Ravi in 10 - Not fond of husband, constant travelling.
Ravi in 11 - Gains, children and grandchildren control over passions, happiness.
Ravi in 12 - Great expenditure, fond of cruel deeds, irreligious.
In these results the positions of Ravi, his conjunctions, aspects exaltations,
debilitations, friendly and unfriendly houses should be taken into account before
predictions are made.
15.2 Chandra in the Twelve Bhavas
Chandra in 1 - If the girl attains her age when the Moon is waxing, she will be
handsome, happy and prosperous. In the dark-half-lean body, disease, mean.
Chandra in 2 - Leader among women, fond of charitable deeds, righteous,
devotion to holy Brahmins.
Chandra in 3 - Windy and phlegmatic diseases, fond of talking to others, bad
conduct, unsympathetic.
Chandra in 4 - Happiness, luxurious meals, steady character, fond of excessive
enjoyment, devotion to holy men and God.
Chandra in 5 - Good children excellent character, doing good deeds, truthful,
happiness, love to husband.
Chandra in 6 - Little wealth, great hatred, unpolite, fickle-minded, wounds and
Chandra in 7 - Skilful, love to husband, meritorious work, wisdom and prudence.
Chandra in 8 - Ungrateful and bad temper, devoid of ornaments and jewels,
revengeful, wonderful scandals.
Chandra in 9 - Meritorious, excessive enjoyments, blessed with issues, happiness.
Chandra in 10 - Many gold ornaments, charitable and liberal, fond of righteous
Chandra in 11 - Great gains, command over passions, charities, good health.51
Chandra in 12 - Windy complaints, quarrelling with females. Poverty and misery.
15.3 Kuja in the Twelve Bhavas
Kuja in 1 - Bilious temperament, wounds, pains and miseries.
Kuja in 2 - Irreligious, losses from landed properties, mean and unprincipled
husband, passionate, revengeful, eye-complaints.
Kuja in 3 - Happiness, good enjoyments, patience, fondness for relations and good
and holy people, greatness and social respect.
Kuja in 4 - Disappointments, unhappiness, widowhood, hated by relations, little
profits from landed properties.
Kuja in 5 - Bad children, shameless conduct, bad company, sinful deeds, loss of
children or no children.
Kuja in 6 - Enjoyment and delight from the husband, great wealth, good health,
respectable learning, fond of idols and holy personages.
Kuja in 7 - Early widowhood, bad conduct and immoral habits.
Kuja in 8 - Diseased body, sorrows, evil thoughts and disagreeable.
Kuja in 9 - Unrighteous, hatred, fond of cruel deeds.
Kuja in 10 - Evil nature, irreligious and want of intelligence.
Kuja in 11 - Gains in articles, agreeable temperament , love and regard for
Kuja in 12 - Fond of rough and red rice, constant complaints, dullness, weak, blood
15.4 Budha in the Twelve Bhavas
Budha in 1 - Handsome, faithful to husband, righteous, generous, broad and
attractive eyes, rich and tasteful meals, truthful.
Budha in 2 - Riches, comforts, devotion and worship to holy Brahmins and God,
fond of hearing Puranas or religious works.
Budha in 3 - Many brothers, personal respect, helpful to people, riches; mercantile
tact; if evil planets join him, destruction to brothers.
Budha in 4 - Happiness, friends, respectable family, progress in education, beauty,
accumulating many articles.
Budha in 5 - Few children, little wealth, quarrels, hatred towards pious people.
Budha in 6 - Hatred, quarrels, many enemies, diseases, female quarrels.
Budha in 7 - Good deeds, religious rites; agreeableness among all people, love and
pleasure from husband.
Budha in 8 - Unsympathetic, ungenerous, timid nature, diseases in the body,
sorrows from paternal side.
Budha in 9 - Fond of religious observances, meritorious, polite and affable, wealth,
reputation, ability, truthful.
Budha in 10 - Good deeds, beauty, regard and love to husband, moral, politeness;
bath in holy rivers.
Budha in 11 - Contented mind, loved by elder brothers; if evil planets are there, 52
destruction to them.
Budha in 12 - Quarrels, pride, showy, hated by good and holy people.
15.5 Guru in the Twelve Bhavas
Guru in 1 - Majestic speech, enjoyment, handsome, good nature.
Guru in 2 - Riches, sweet speech, truthful, righteous.
Guru in 3 - Clever in transactions, despised, dullness.
Guru in 4 - Happiness, rich and luxurious meals, many servants, ornaments, high
respects, excellent qualities, houses and landed properties.
Guru in 5 - Good children. agreeable temper, religious rites, excellent thoughts,
truthful, respect among assemblies.
Guru in 6 - Enemies; righteous, many worries and trouble, timid nature, suffering
Guru in 7 - Good nature, meritorious, great wisdom.
Guru in 8 - Diseases at home, widowhood, colic pains, great hatred, sorrow,
diseased body.
Guru in 9 - Religious faith, reverence to God, faithful, constructing charitable
wells, tanks and canals, joyful, dependents, generous nature.
Guru in 10 - Reputation, good character, grateful, politeness, attractive;
meritorious deeds, wonderful works.
Guru in 11 - Truthful, wealth, command over passions.
Guru in 12 - Little gains, bad nature, disease.
15.6 Sukra in the Twelve Bhavas
Sukra in 1 - Loving husband, enjoyment, cleverness in work, pure body, good
Sukra in 2 - Great wealth, dependent, good tempera ment.
Sukra in 3 - Poverty, sorrow, loss of husband, losses.
Sukra in 4 - Plenty of conveyances and articles, wealth, increase in family,
happiness, fashionable.
Sukra in 5 - Female issues, few males, fond of music, intelligent.
Sukra in 6 - Anger, hatred of children and husband , travelling.
Sukra in 7 - Well-known, love to husband, enterprising, if evil planets are there,
she will be adulterous.
Sukra in 8 - Pride, sorrow, unkind, quarrels with females.
Sukra in 9 - Learned among females, ornaments, cloths, jewels, personal
adornments, happy temperament, many sources of wealth.
Sukra in 10 - Reputation, worshipping Gods, beauty and good nature.
Sukra in 11 - Great power and command, fond of studying sciences, gains.53
Sukra in 12 - Selling body for money, sorrow, dissimulation and unhappy.
15.7 Sani in the Twelve Bhavas
Sani in 1 - Ugly body, insignificant, eye complaints.
Sani in 2 - Female diseases, penury, cruel temperament.
Sani in 3 - Great ability, gratefulness, helpful to many, protecting holy people.
Sani in 4 - Chronic complaints, unsteady, evil company.
Sani in 5 - Evil to children, fond of others' children , dull, given to wandering.
Sani in 6 - Destruction to enemies, good ornaments and clothing.
Sani in 7 - Widowhood, disease, bad company. quarrels, wandering in villages and
Sani in 8 - Evil deeds, thievish, bad nature.
Sani in 9 - Irreligious. sorrow from mother and father.
Sani in 10 - Objectionable conduct. fond of drinking.
Sani in 11 - Handsome, many varieties of enjoyments.
Sani in 12 - Windy complaints, worthless behaviour, crooked nature, sorrowful,
speaking ill of others.
15.8 Rahu and Ketu in the Twelve Houses
Rahu and Ketu in 3, 5 and 11 from the Lagna when the girl attains first puberty
produce kind heart, charitable disposition, prayers to God and holy saints and she
will attain to Gowri Loka.
In the rest of the houses, viz., 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 the results will be reverse
of those which have been mentioned above. She will suffer from Bhootas, Pretas,
Pisachas and other evil spirits. There are 56 varieties of Devils or evil spirits
mentioned in the Sanskrit Sciences and each has a nature and characteristics of its
own. All these or incantations which extend over 9 crores, some of them may be
mentioned here for ready reference Bhoota, Preta, Pisacha, Sakini, Dhakini, Jalini,
Mohini, Kamini, Malini, Bhetala, Rakshasa, Prarabdha, etc. The females are more
apt to be troubled by these evil spirits than the males. They are said to relish much
the drops of menstrual fluid and the urine which flows during menses period and
they will be waiting to catch their prey in lonely, dilapidated and neglected watery
surfaces. They are said to have easy access to unclean females when they are nude
or ill covered over their bodies. Pisachas are of two kinds. Those from the world
called Pisachaloka where they flourish in large numbers and are created by God as
Pisacha and those human beings who become devils and evil spirits after their
death as the result of their evil Karma, fondness, for worldly objects and from
various revengeful feelings, greed and avarice.
They are subtle in form and some of them are Kama. Rupas or those which have
the power of assuming any form, animal, bird, reptile or human as they like. They
can change these forms at their sweet will and pleasure, some of them are very 54
troublesome and cannot easily be exercised by ordinary mantras. Some of the
European scientists are opening their eyes to the existence of these Pisachalokas
and admit that there are many spirit worlds, about which they have yet to explore
and investigate and that their present scientific knowledge is still in an infantile
stage, about these matters. Saptakoti Mahamantras or seven crores of good
mantras and Navakoti Kshudra Mantras or nine crores of evil ones are completely
sealed letters to them and they have yet to sit at the feet of Indian Mantrics and
learn the mysteries of Mantras.
16.0 CHAPTER XV Special Rules
In all the horoscopes, belonging to males or females - Lagna plays an important
part and if Lagna, its lord, the combinations in it and the aspects it has are all good,
powerful and beneficial, the person, male or female, will be well formed,
developed and attractive, will live long in good position and comforts, will
command many servants, great wealth, landed and house properties, will be
educated and intelligent and will be a man of great financial resources. If on the
other hand it has combinations and aspects quite the reverse of the above, the
results will be quite unfavourable. He will be defective in limbs, ugly or illdeveloped, unattractive, poor and distressed, neglected by relations and friends,
will be ignorant and will. be neglected by his society and community. For other
events in life other Bhavas and houses have to be consulted.
There is a large section of astrological writers, who have treated elaborately on the
appearances of first Menses in a girl, and who seem to attach even greater
importance to this phenomenon than to the birth time. I have, therefore, treated
this subject exhaustively in the previous paragraphs. A few points, however, may
be noted here. For personal appearances, character, general health, position and
happiness, Lagna as well as Chandra Lagna should be consulted for a female; for
the husband his appearance, position and behaviour, the 7th from Lagna should be
consulted. For conception, pregnancy, delivery, married life, prosperity, jewels,
ornaments and for the prosperity and adversity of children, the 5th from Chandra
or Lagna or from both has to be examined. For the longevity of the husband; for
the married state and widowhood the 8th house should be consulted.
There are few sections of females, who remain without marriage, who are not
threatened with widowhood, and who have no domestic surroundings to cause
them anxiety. These exceptions are also treated in the astrological works and we
draw the attention of our readers to carefully study the problems connected with
female horoscopy, analyse all the facts in the light of instructions from the Gurus
or elderly persons, utilise the recorded experiences of the past ages and masters in
this subject, use their own experience and intelligence and then after studying the
conditions of life in each country, community and family about their customs and
manners, pronounce such judgements, as will prove correct and unerring.
Women all over the world are rapidly progressing on various lines and in curious 55
manners. We have now no marriages, half-marriages, quarter marriages, civil
contracts, marriages for getting one child, companionate marriages, Hostel and
School marriages, marriages on railways, buses, ships and aeroplanes, on trees, on
rocks and so on that it is difficult to enumerate all of them. Modesty and sacred
marriages are receding before the fury of material civilisation. The women, as well
as men, are not very particular about the permanent bonds. They imitate Nature
and she points to birds and beasts. Once in the Medico-Legal Journal a cultured
woman observed thus: "In the Intellectual and Political Republic I have a right to
select any man, at any time, in any place, and under any circumstance, and join
sexually with him or with anybody else; as often as I please and reject him or them
whenever I like."
This is a bold statement and a challenge to society on the part of a woman. But
times are treading in such directions, and the ancient ideas of modesty, chastity
and womanly virtues may be wrecked on the growing rocks of modern civilisation
and materialistic comforts. Whatever the forms of marriages there may or may not
be, one thing is certain, that the women and men are joining in sexual contacts, and
the menses results explained before in this treatise due to planetary, zodiacal and
constellational influences, will happen to them both individually and also
collectively. Fire burns all the same whether you touch it with the faith and belief,
that it is a deity or simply a physical phenomenon.
Take a venereal woman. It is immaterial whether you have her for sexual purposes
as a wife, as a concubine or as simply a woman for that single occasion. Will she
not give you her property of disease after you enjoy her? The name and form are
immaterial, but the fact is material, and the venereal complaint is demonstrable, as
you get it positively. I have known several women and men sending to hell, their
sexual co-operators, in quick succession. They may not become widows and
widowers, but they will suffer all the same from their venereal vagaries, and their
subsequent consequences. Take a boy's horoscope: If he has Venus, Mars and
Saturn, Rahu or Ketu, in Lagna or 4th or 7th or 6th, even the purest girl who has
the misfortune to unite with him sexually will fall a prey to venereal complaints
and pay heavy penalties for such indiscretions. Similarly for females.
The subject is very interesting and instructive and I have done my best to present it
in as inviting a manner as possible. This interesting and instructive work Strijataka
or the Female Horoscopy, has been completed by me on Thursday, 28th May 1931
at 4 p.m., in my residence Hunsamaranahalli, Bangalore District, S. India, on the
Dwadasi of the bright-half of the lunar month Jyeshta, in the cyclic year
Prajotpatti, in Salivahana Saka 1858, in my 75th year, through the grace and mercy
of the Almighty, who has been graciously pleased to grant me full vigour and
vitality to my brain, to achieve this translation without any break or hitch. The
following are the combinations of planets in Rasi and Navamsa Diagrams at the
English, 28th May, 1931
Kaliyuga - 5033
Samvat or Vikramasaka - 1989.56
17.0 Rasi chart: (from Mesha)
1 - Budha, Sukra
2 - Ravi
3 - Guru
5 - Kuja
6 - Lagna, Ketu
7 - Chandra
9 - Sani
12 - Rahu
17.1 Navamsa chart:
1 - Ravi, Kuja
3 - Guru, Ketu
5 - Lagna, Sukra
6 - Budha
7 - Chandra
9 - Sani, Rahu
Solar month Taurus or Vrishabha, date 15th. Completion time 24 ghatis after
sunrise. Constellation - Chitta ruled at the time with the balance of Kuja Dasa for
2 years, 3 months and 21 days. I have made it a point to give the time of
completion of all my works as _ my own age so that my readers will be able to
judge the merits of my works and find out what measures of success will attend on
these publications 'and how long I will be able to live through my works, as an
author. God’s glory is shown through the planetary combinations. Eminent
authors live after their physical death. Others die long before they are actually
19.0 Zodiacal Signs
1. Mesha - Aries
2. Vrishabha - Taurus
3. Mithuna - Gemini
4. Kataka - Cancer
5. Simha - Leo
6. Kanya - Virgo
7. Thula - Libra
8. Vrischika - Scorpio
9. Dhanus - Sagittarius57
10. Makara - Capricorn
11. Kumbha - Aquarius
12. Meena - Pisces
19.1 Planets
1. Surya, Bhanu, Auditya - Sun - Sola
2. Chandra, Soma, Indu - Moon - Luna
3. Kuja, Bhouma, Mangala - Mars
4. Budha, Vit, Gna, Soumya - Mercury
5. Guru, Jiva, Vachaspathy - Jupiter
6. Sukra, Sita, Bhrigu - Venus
7. Sani, Manda, Ravija - Saturn
8. Rahu, Thama, Agu - Dragon's Head
9. Ketu, Sikhi, Dwaja - Dragon's Tail
According to Hindu Astronomy there are two Ayanas.
1. Uttarayana - Composing the six months from Makara to Mithuna.
2. Dakshinayana - Composing the six months commencing from Kataka and
extending to Dhanus.
In the Uttarayana, the Sun takes the Northern course, reaches the Northenmost
point in Meena and comes to due East in the end of Mithuna. In the
Dakshinayana, he takes the Southern course , reaches the Southermost point in
the end of Thula and comes to due East in Makara. Kataka and Makara are called
the equinoctial points or the equinoxes.
19.3 The Hindu Lunar Months are 12
1. Chitra - March and April.
2. Vaisakha - April and May.
3. Jyeshta - May and June.
4. Ashadha - June and July.
5. Sravana - July and August.
6. Bhadrapada - August and September.
7. Aswija - September and October.
8. Kartika - October and November.
9. Margasira - November and December.
10. Pushya - December and January.
11. Magha - January and February.
12. Phalguna - February and March.58
These lunar months are named so because on the Full-Moon day or Pournima of
each month, the constellation of such a name occurs thus: Chitta falls on the
Pournima of Chaitra, Visakha falls on the Pournima of Vaisakha, Jyeshta falls on
the Pournima of Jyeshta, Poorvashadha occurs on the Pournima of Ashadha.
Sravana falls on the Pournima of Sravana. Poorvabhadra in Bhadrapada. Aswini in
Aswija. Krittika in Kartika. Mrigasira in Margasira. Pushya in Pushya. Makha in
Magha. Pubba or Poorvaphalguni in Phalguna.
19.4 There are six Ruthus or Seasons
1. Vasantha - Contains Chaitra and Vaisakha - Spring.
2. Grishma - Includes Jyeshta and Ashadha - Windy.
3. Varsha - Incorporates Sravana and Bhadrapada - Rainy.
4. Saradrutu - Aswija and Krittika - Winter.
5. Hemanta - Margasira and Pushya - Cold.
6. Sisira - Magha and Phalguna - Dropping of leaves.
19.5 Planetary States
Deepta or Uchcha - Exaltation.
Swocha - Deep exaltation.
Swakshetra - Own house - Swastha.
Mitrakshetra - Friendly house - Mudita.
Satrukshetra - Unfriendly house - Deena.
Neecha - Debilitation - Khala.
Vakra - Retrogression - Bali.
Asta - Combustion - Vaikalya.
Atichara - Acceleration - Bheeta.
Santa - Occupying favourable divisions.
Peedya - Occupying the last degree of a sign.
Kendras or quadrants - 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses.
Thrikonas - Trines - 1st, 5th and 9th.
As the first is included in Kendra 5th and 9th are generally taken by the word
Upachayas - 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th houses.
Sama - Neutral.59
1. Lagna - Birth, ascendant, body.
2. Dhana, Netra, Vak - Second house represents eyes, wealth, speech.
3. Sahaja, Bhratru - Third house indicates brothers courage, ornaments, ears.
4. Matru, Vidya, Bhoomi, Sukha - Fourth house denotes mother, happiness,
education, lands.
5. Prajnya, Putra, Pitru - Fifth house shows intelligence, children, father.
6. Satru, Roga, Runa - Sixth house indicates enemies, diseases and debts.
7. Kalatra, Kama, Bhoga - Seventh house denotes wife, passion, enjoyment.
8. Marana, Mrityu, Arishta, Ayu - Eighth house explains about death, accidents,
misfortunes and longevity.
9. Bhagya, Tapa, Pitru - Ninth house signifies wealth, piety and father.
10. Karma, Rajya, Jeevanopaya, Prakhyati, Agnya - Tenth house shows actions,
political powers, means of livelihood, reputation and command.
11. Labha, Bhagini, Mitra - Eleventh house denotes gains, elder sisters, brothers
and friends.
12. Vyaya, Nashta, Papa - Twelfth house refers to losses, expenditure and sins.
Each Bhava or signification refers to a large number of human events and
transactions and as all the twelve Bhavas comprehend the whole worldly
phenomena, it is not possible to refer to them all here.
To get a wider information, reference should be made to larger works treating on
these subjects.
The Sun - Denotes soul, reputation, political power, father and paternal relations.
The Moon - Shows mother, mind, pearls, milk.
Mars - Denotes courage; adventures, fires, brothers, lands.
Mercury - Explains about maternal aunts and uncles, intelligence.
Jupiter - Denotes children, education, gold, religiousness, self-respect.
Venus - Shows wife, sexual desires, sense; pleasures, silver, gems.
Saturn - Sorrows, miseries, old age, servants.
Rahu - Denotes darkness, poison, paternal, grand father and uncles.
Ketu - Indicates maternal grandfather and uncles, worries and final emancipation.
19.6 Periods and Sub-periods of Planets
There are various methods of calculating periods and sub-periods of planets but all
of them cannot be detailed here. The easiest and the most familiar is given below
for the benefit of our readers.
Take the 27 constellations and 9 planets and divide them. We get 3 constellations
for each planet. There are 120 shares in the planetary company and the shares as
given below are allotted to the planets.60
Sun 6 years
Moon 10 do.
Mars 7 do.
Rahu 18 do.
Jupiter 16 do.
Saturn 19 do.
Mercury 17 do.
Ketu 7 do.
Venus 20 do.
Grand Total 120 years
These shares are permanent and hold the same proportion in all periods, subperiods and other minor divisions. The shares are constant and unalterable and the
student will have no difficulty in allotting years, months, days.
No. Chief Star Star Compared Longitude A.D. 560
Deg. M.
Deg. M.
1. Krittika Tauri, Alcyone 39 58 4 1 N
2. Rohini Tauri, Aldabaran 49 45 5 30 S
3. Mrigasira Orionis 63 43 13 25 N
4. Aridra Orionis 68 43 16 4 S
5. Punarvasu Gemini Pollux 93 14 6 39 N
6. Pushya Cancri 108 42 0 4 N
7. Aslesha Hydrae 112 20 11 8 S
8. Makha Leonis, Regulas 129 49 0 27 N
9. Phalguni
Leonis 141 15 14 19 N61
10. Phalguni
Leonis 151 37 12 17 N
11. Hasta Corvi 173 27 12 10 S
12. Chitta Virginis, Spica 183 49 2 2 S
13. Swati Bootis Arcturus 184 12 30 57 N
14. Visakha Librae 211 0 1 48 S
15. Anuradha Scorpionis 222 34 1 57 S
16. Jyeshta Scorpionis
229 44 4 31 S
17. Moola Scorpionis 244 33 13 44 S
18. Ashadha
Sagittarii 255 32 6 25 S
19. Ashadha
Sagittarii 262 21 3 24 S
20. Abhijit Lyrae,Vega 265 15 61 46 N
21. Sravana Aquilae, Altair 281 41 29 19 N
22. Sravishta or
Delphini 296 19 31 57 N
23. Satabhisha Aquarii 321 33 0 23 S
24. Bhadrapada
Pegasi 333 21 19 25 N
25. Bhadrapada
Pegasi and
349 8 25 41 N
26. Revati Piscium 359 50 0 13 S
27. Aswini Arietis 13 56 8 28 N
28. Bharani 35 Arietisa, Mus 26 54 11 17 N
Oja or Besa Rasis - Odd signs like 3-5-7, etc.
Yugma or Sama - Even signs like 2-4-6, etc.
Chara Rasis - Movable signs; Mesha; Kataka, Thula and Makara.62
Sthira Rasis - Fixed signs, Vrishabha, Simha, Vrischika and Kumbha.
Dwiswabhava Rasis - Common or double bodied signs, Mithuna, Kanya,Dhanus
and Meena.
Dasa - Major period.
Bhukti or Vidasa - Minor or sub-period.
Antara - Still minor.
Antarantara - More minute.
Sookshma - Minor still.
Prana - The minutest period.
Gochara - The daily movements of planets.
Graha - Planet.
Pancha Mahabhootas - the Five Great Compounds
Akasa - Space or Ether.
Vayu - Wind.
Agni - Fire.
Apu - Water.
Prithvi - Earth.
Brahma - Creative energy.
Vishnu - Protective force.
Maheswara - Destructive energy.
Saraswathi - Goddess of learning.
Lakshmi - Goddess of money.
Parvathi - Goddess of political power.
19.7 Shadvargas
Lagna - Thirty degrees or a sign of the zodiac.
Hora - Fifteen degrees or half of a sign.
Drekkana - Ten degrees or one-third of a sign.
Navamsa - Three and one-third degrees or one-ninth of a sign.
Dwadasamsa - Two and a half degrees or one-twelfth of a sign.
Thrimsasmsa - One degree or one-thirtieth of a sign.
Friends - Guru, Kuja, Chandra and Ravi.
Bosom friends - Sani, Budha and Sukra.
Enemies - Sani and Ravi, Sukra and Kuja, Sukra and Guru, Budha and Chandra.
Moolathrikonas - The following are the Moolathrikonas for the planets:
Sun-Leo. Mars-Aries.
Moon-Taurus. Mercury-Virgo.
Jupiter-Sagittarius. Venus-Libra.
The following are the houses of the planets: Sun-Leo, Moon-Cancer, MercuryVirgo and Gemini, Jupiter-Sagittarius and Pisces, Mars-Aries and Scorpio, SaturnAquarius and Capricorn.63
19.8 Kalapurusha-Time Personified.
The following zodiacal signs form the different limbs of Kalapurusha:
Aries - head - Varangam.
Taurus - face - Ananam.
Gemini - the upper chest - Aru.
Cancer - the heart - Hrit.
Leo - the stomach - Kroda.
Virgo - the hips - Vaso Brita.
Libra - lower stomach - Vasti.
Scorpio - sex-organs - Vyanjana.
Sagittarius - thighs - Ura.
Capricorn - knees - Januyugalam.
Aquarius - buttocks - Junghe.
Pisces - feet - Anghri Dwayam.
All these details have been given by me for the benefit of my readers, both Indian
and Foreign, so that they may find no difficulty in understanding the Sanskrit
terms in their nearest equivalents. In the course of my works, I have deliberately
used both English and Sanskrit terms; and these explanations of the technicalities
will be found simply invaluable.